85 Macquarie St, Parramatta

85 Macquarie St, Parramatta is the site of a grand new residential and commercial construction. 500 Voices has created an ecumenical artwork that creates a juxtaposition between Indigenous lore and spirituality, and belief systems from around the world.

There are symbols from worldwide religious and belief systems etched in to 10 sandstone pillars that surround the west and south facades of the ground floor. Opposite the west facade a 30 meter long mural is being painted to represent the story of ‘Burramatta’ -The Place Where the Eel lay down’ This will be hand painted by Shane Smithers, using the visual language of the traditional local Indigenous culture abstracted into a modern artwork.

The 30 meter mural is currently being painted - below is a completed section. This stunning building is now officially open. Drop by, have a look at the architecture, witness the mural emerging and have a chat with the artist.


The Scots College - Floor mural


Warringah Freeway Upgrade